Απάντηση Πετρίδη στον δήμαρχο Νάμπλους

Η σχέση της Κομοτηνής με την Νάμπλους της Παλαιστίνης δείχνει να αναθερμαίνεται και στο πλαίσιο του εφικτού θα επιδιωχθεί η συνεργασία των δύο πόλεων, όπως είχε θεμελιωθεί το 2005, πάλι με δική μας πρωτοβουλία. Ακολουθεί η επιστολή – απάντηση του δημάρχου Γ. Πετρίδη στον Παλαιστίνιο δήμαρχο που του ευχήθηκε καλή επιτυχία στις αρχές Αυγούστου:

Komotini, September 5th 2014

Your Excellency,

It was a great pleasure for us to receive your warm greetings and congratulations from the historic city of Nablus, our twin city in the land of Palestine. Please forgive me for my late respond, we are caught in a very busy situation these days.

First of all I have to congratulate you for your second mandate in the Nablus Municipality, where you serve, I believe, the interests of the people in the best way. Of course we can understand the reasons of your main problem and we still hope that a better future can emerge for the Palestinians and all people of the world.

As for our twin towns bonds, I believe that we have to reassure and boost them in any opportune way. I thank you for inviting us to visit Nablus, a visit that would be an honour for me. I also want to invite you in our city of Komotini, expressing the feelings of all our citizens, Christians and Muslims alike. The dates and all details of the two visits can be scheduled in due time and our common friends, Mr M. Abdullah there and Mr K. Karaiskos here, can really help.

Please transmit our warm greetings to the people of Nablus and all our wishes for its future in peace, justice and freedom.

Sincerely yours,
Georgios Petridis

The Mayor of Komotini

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